Currently there is an increasing demand across the industry and DoD for Standard-based Communications and Cyber security solutions. Janus Communications Research (JanusCore) is taking on this challenge and establishing solutions that can facilitate easier adaptation of modular capabilities for faster fielding.
Our Principles
- Modularity -- divides the functionality of a system into independent modules, such that each contains only one aspect of the desired functionality.
- Interchangeability -- enhances cross-platform or cross-vendor system integration, i.e., allows a hardware or software module to have common features.
- Interoperability -- operates in synergy in the execution of assigned tasks among Communications instances of the same modality (e.g., networking protocols), among instances of different modalities (e.g., SWaP), among instances operated by different Services under various CONOPSs, tactics, techniques, and procedures (e.g., unmanned vehicles), among military systems and systems operated by other entities in a common environment (e.g., military and commercial unmanned systems), and among systems operated by non-DoD organizations, allies, and coalition partners (e.g., DoD and allies unmanned systems).
- Configurability -- includes the ability to configure the cryptographic functions, key management approaches, radio bypass policy, supporting security levels, radio waveforms, operating frequencies, power management rules, etc.
- UxS-focused Security --supports wide range of IA protections, including small form factor, low cost, message bypass, and high speed crypto -- all with sufficient flexibility to permit different implementations and require minimal NSA approval process.
- Collaboration Effectiveness -- is realized by breaking the technology and security barriers from the existing vendor domination that were built by proprietary solutions with silo objectives.